0OPH: Core Concepts to Assist Your Journey

0OPH stands for Zero Orange Point Hollow, but can be shortened to Orange Point Hollow, OPH, or simply a sound resembling 'oof'. Each letter represents a different idea to help guide you through a better life story.

Zero Orange Point Hollow

Zero represents the initial balance and neutrality of things. Before crafting an equation to deal with things in life - people, objects, events - all variables must start equal, at zero. Only once variables are shown positive or negative should you adjust your internal formulae for accepting them. You should not predetermine the value of things based on predeveloped routines. These shortcuts may sometimes save time, but weak presumptions will often lead you to false conclusions. Take the time to understand the true value of things before guessing their worth. Always assume a starting balance of zero until the positive or negative weight of each thing is known.

From zero you should work toward being a positive variable in the process of others, but realize that their own evaluation may stil fix you at or below zero. The impossibility of being a positive variable in all cases should be known and accepted.